Of course! The easiest way to cancel your subscription is to log into your account. Just look for the 'Account' section on the left hand side of the page, and the 'Cancel Your Account' button is at the top of this section.


No! When you sign up for Bello Coffee you can set whether you select a "one-off box" or you can choose to have your boxes of coffee weekly or fortnightly. You can easily pause, re-schedule or cancel your coffee deliveries in the 'my account' section so you can easily choose to have your coffee when you want it. 


There's no commitment ever - you can cancel your deliveries at any time or re-schedule them with a few hassle free clicks. Say you're going on holiday, it's also really easy to push back your boxes from the 'my account' section of our site. 


Your first taste will answer this question! All our coffees are specialty grown, and hand-roasted in the UK shortly before shipping. We realise this is a tough thing to assess through a website, so they’re all covered by a no-quibble, money back guarantee. 


Our coffee is not Fairtrade certified, but don't worry! Pact prides itself on an ethical coffee sourcing policy that engenders a fair and transparent relationship with our farmers.

We should make it clear that Pact like Fairtrade, they do some great work in the coffee commodity market, but speciality coffee is just a different kettle of fish! Fairtrade guarantees a minimum price for farmers' coffee beans (and a social premium for the community) but they can’t guarantee the quality of the beans - something that Pact prides itself on.

We can guarantee that all of our coffee was bought at a higher price than the Fairtrade rate because we pay more for great quality coffee beans. What’s more, if we like their coffee, we return year after year to buy their harvest. This fosters a strong and long-lasting relationship, enabling the farmer to have increased economic security and our customers to taste the coffee they love year after year. 


After your coffee is opened, it needs to be kept sealed in its packet or an airtight jar. It should be kept in a cool dark place, such as your kitchen cupboard.

We do not recommend storing your coffee in the fridge. Because the coffee is fresh, moving it in and out of the cold will cause condensation to form, which damages the coffee. 


 Our coffee isn’t ground until the last possible moment before being sent straight to you to enjoy.

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